Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Prelude To A Post

In attempt not to bombard you with one giant post combining my thoughts on Clinton, Obama, Steinem, my mother, and possibly the movie Juno, I'm going to start with some evidence that I will later introduce to an argument. So, below, a (no doubt inexhaustive) list of weirdly sexist things Chris Matthews has said about Hillary Clinton:

-He asked Chris Dodd, "Do you find it difficult to debate a woman?" Dodd, sanely, said no.

-He then went on to tell Tim Russert that Bill had her on a "short leash."

-He pinched her cheek. Repeat: he pinched her cheek.

-Last night after the primary results came in, he said to her Communications Director Howard Wolfson something like about how her appeal lies in the "contrast" between her "strength" and her "being a woman." Not actually a joke. This is something I actually saw, but unfortunately I can't find a link to it. He actually contrasted being a woman with being strong. Wolfson was, rightfully, slightly thrown.


Kim said...

I watched those clips. OMG Chris Matthews is the most irritating and stupid man in the entire universe.

Kim said...

Any thoughts on Obama's affected preacher-like accent during his "concession" speech last night?

Liz T. said...

Honestly? My thoughts at the time were, "Wow, that is a beautiful man. Wow, what a beautiful voice. Wow, I am feeling warm-hearted and inspired even though he is basically just saying the words 'hope' and 'change' all the time."

What can I say? His voice is mellifluous.

More on this in a bit.

Kim said...

preachery drawl begins around 2:25