Monday, October 8, 2007

Women kill movies

I agree with Jezebel--with a story like this, all you can do is link.


Sarah Louise Raillard said...

Oh my lord. I actually always suspected this about mainstream American movies, but I guess now we know it's an official policy. Disgusting.

Katey said...

I hate the movie industry. It employs me, but I hate it. And yeah, Warner Bros. has this giant fucking slate of comic book movie adaptations coming up, which are also bound to bomb because there will be so damn many of them. Maybe men in tights will get the blame next?

Anonymous said...

It is kind of funny that they immediately blame the failures of these movies not on the merits of the films themselves, but on women in general. Also, James Bond was in The Invasion, so I don't see how you can blame it all on Nicole Kidman. Interestingly, this is the same duo starring this winter in New Line's The Golden Compass, which is headlined by an adolescent girl. But, you know, I'm sure the success of that movie won't prove Warner Brothers wrong or anything.