Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Morning Thoughts

Is it wrong that I feel slightly guilty for buying a scone this morning? I'd already had breakfast and wasn't particularly hungry. I can pretend I feel guilty for financial reasons, but it wasn't expensive, and I don't feel guilty for having bought coffee as well (when I'd already had coffee).

The scone's delicious, though. I recommend the whole wheat raisin from Balducci's--not at all dry, but not so soft it feels like a muffin!


Anonymous said...

Please don't ever for guilty for eating a scone! That's work! Guilt can only be reserved for non-whole wheat delicious pastries, like an éclair or croissant (at the very least, something French) never the bastard child of English baking. Scones were originally a form of penance for the Empire, and sometimes even its weapons.

Anonymous said...

in other words: blah, blabbity blah, i'm so stuffy, give me a scone.