Monday, October 8, 2007

Male Feminist of the Week!

Hello again dear readers.

It is sadly difficult to find substantive information on our male feminist friends. A preliminary google search mostly brings up obnoxious rants on whether "male feminist" is an oxymoron (which I confess I haven't REALLY read yet because I'm very busy right now and can't afford to depress myself).

BUT. I just today found a link to this fellow:

He is the man behind No Cookies For Me, a male feminist blog that I think you would all enjoy. Recent posts involve issues such as chivalry (and how people who say the feminism killed it don't actually know what the word means), the underrepresented sexism of police, and misogyny in gaming and webcomics.

But, to quote my buddy LeVar, you don't have to take my word for it!

1 comment:

Rex Libris said...

Thank you for the shout-out. It's much appreciated. =)