Friday, February 1, 2008

Liveblogging for Alden

Now, this doesn't really count as liveblogging last night's debate, because I'm posting it now and not as the debate was happening. But, I WROTE it as the debate was happening, to my friend Alden, really without his consent, so I thought, what the hey. Please note that I tuned in a little late. Possibly an hour late? I didn't know it was happening until my mom called me, crowing about her new theory (see below). But, enjoy!

9:00 PM me: are you watching the debate?
9:02 PM Alden: no but i hear they haven't punched each other yet
me: my mom called me up
to inform me that clinton and barack have struck a deal
she tells me with authority that whichever one wins will pick the other as running mate
Alden: to make out when one of them gets nominated
9:03 PM me: HA
he says
SHE says:
"I make deals. I know a deal when I see one."
9:04 PM Alden: !!
me: so, I'm listening to the debate rather than watching it
since I don't get CNN, but it's channel 10, it's blurred out like porn
but I can still hear
and man is obama's voice DREAMY
9:05 PM oh man, my mom's so right
Alden: ha
me: clinton's talking in terms of, "isn't it awesome that one of us is gonna be prez?"
9:07 PM Alden: ha
who do you like for the primary
me: obama
though it's an emotional decision for me
Alden: yeah
me: clinton's like my mom
9:08 PM Alden: omg you are right
9:10 PM me: wow
someone just asked HRC the dynasty question
9:11 PM the, "I'm 30 and I've never had an election without a clinton or a bush" issue
she's dodging, obvi
but still
Alden: please answer with aplomb
aplomb dammit
me: ok
9:12 PM good retort:
"It did take a clinton to clean up after the first bush, and I think it might take another clinton to clean up after the second bush"
Alden: nice!
me: aplomb: check

8 minutes
9:21 PM Alden: omg i'm doing my taxes
how did this happen
i'm not even drinking
me: ha
she's sounding better on iraw right now
Alden: iraw indeed
how are you feeling ps
9:22 PM me: OH MAN
obama said something iraq blah blah blah
and the moderator said
9:23 PM "Senator Clinton, that's a clear swipe at you"
and she said "really?"
and obama's all "swipe?"
and hrc says
"we're having such a good time up here!"
I'm feeling pretty good actually
except for my lack of corn chip
9:24 PM Alden: hahahaha
and now they're making out
liam found this thing online that summarizes candidates stances and tells you who you're most aligned with
it wants liam to vote for gravel
me: aw she called him barack
I keep hearing about that thing
9:25 PM oh man they're just talking about mccain, not about each other
hrc keeps saying "we"
Alden: because they're running TOGETHER
me: (please pardon my liveblogging)
Alden: omg you tootes are
9:28 PM me: this is reminding me of when nathan lane and matthew broderick were both up for tonys for the producers
and lane won and they both came out and accepted it together
that's what this is like
Alden: ha
9:31 PM me: oh no!
you have brain fever!
Alden: i do??
9:32 PM me: it is apparently cured by a good night's sleep
(I heart Oregon Trail!)
9:33 PM Alden: HAHA
i can't understand facebook OT
9:35 PM me: who is this moderator?
oh, wolf
he just got booed
Alden: ha
for what!
i don't like wolf
me: for asking hill to say she'd been naive
he's clearly a hill-hater
9:38 PM Alden: wolf's a douche
me: totes
9:42 PM omg
wolf's asking about sex and violence in movies and tv
9:43 PM snooooooozzzzzzeeeee
9:44 PM uh oh
me: spouses
9:45 PM they're making her account for bill
oh man and it involves someone named Greg Craig???
Alden: hahahahaha
9:46 PM the schoolyard taunts will use the nickname "pegleg"
me: HA
9:47 PM and now even wolf's saying, "you two should run together"
9:50 PM obama: "I'm sure hillary would be on anyone's shortlist"
me: clinton: "well, I agree with everything barack just said"
Alden: omg
they're talking about sex
me: MAKE
Alden: sweaty dorm room hookup sex
9:51 PM me: is there erotica about this yet?
I was gonna say slash fic but then I remembered it wouldn't be slash
[I'm toying with posting this conversation on my blog]
9:56 PM ok
now here's what I'm thinking of doing:
buying chips
smoking a joint
Alden: both?
me: eating chips and salsa while watching Firefly DVDs
9:57 PM yeah, that's one plan
though I could pick and choose
I'll certainly do at least one of the three
(chips, pot, firefly)
Alden: haha
10:01 PM me: or am I gonna keep listening to cnn?
(while high?)
Alden: omg wolf's name will get even funnier
10:04 PM me: HA
10:06 PM on cnn they think the cordiality is strategy
no one seems to think there's a deal
10:07 PM so, my mother: visionary, or crackpot?
Alden: so liam doesn't think HRC would take VP if obama got the nom
but that obama would be stupid not to
me: yeah
and I think hrc would be stupid not to offer to obama
but I'm not sure about the other way around
10:09 PM vp hillary would be weird
10:10 PM I can't imagine her being happy with that
Alden: yeah liam said "she's going for the gold"
10:12 PM me: my mom disagrees
10:13 PM but then got off the horn hastily
maybe she was getting some post-debate action
oh my god why did I just say that?
Alden: o
10:14 PM me: ok she called back
she'd hung up because she was listening to keith olbermann
10:15 PM Alden: haha
[then a bunch of stuff about Britney, mono, and Marcel the Monkey which is not really entertaining so I'm cutting it]

7 minutes

Alden: omg right
10:37 PM
mitt romney's son...sort of hot? sort of gay?
10:39 PM me: yes to both, methinks
10:40 PM Alden: he could put his slippers under my bed any time, i think
10:41 PM me: HA
but does he wear the magic underwear?
Alden: only his hairdresser knows for sure

1 comment:

Kim said...

Scott and I recoded the debate last night and are gonna watch it tonight. Wanna watch it for real with us? Like, visuals and everything? Maybe we'll pick up some corn chips? :)