Tuesday, February 5, 2008

More On: Crying, My Mom

This morning I sent my mom an email, the subject of which read "shit." The full text:

I don't know who to vote for. I thought I did but now I don't. I cried on the subway over this. I'm kind of freaking out.

Have you decided?

Her response:

I'm actually happy to hear you say this (write this) because I have been depressed all morning, almost on the verge of tears. I voted for Obama, but it feels as if I betrayed Hillary. I waited 40 years to vote for a fully qualified, totally competent woman, and I didn't. I gave it a lot of thought and I actually believe my vote was based on a balanced and reasoned view of the two options, but it made me very, very sad. In the end I told myself that Obama is a really good candidate and if Hillary hadn't run, he would be my first choice. My problem is that Hillary did run and she has run a terrific campaign (with the exception of failing to control Bill in South Carolina, a very big exception), so I can't believe I didn't vote for her. Maybe she will still win the nomination anyway and I will have the chance to vote for her in November. If not, I fear I will not have the opportunity to vote for a woman for President again in my lifetime.

I love you, even though I guess I haven't cheered you up with this response.

After that I graduated from subway crying to desk crying. (Yes, again.) So, yeah. That's me today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Two articles a friend (a Hillary voter, unlike me) just sent me offer a pretty good, and perhaps less depressing, analysis of the candidates.

The first is a letter exchange between as son (pro-Obama) and his mother (pro-Clinton):

The second is a really great breakdown of the key difference between the candidates (couched as a reading of their economics, but really a bigger story about the differences in approaches to governance):


Anyhow, they helped me pull back from the precipice of a vision of the Dems destroyed whatever the outcome today, and that's a happy story.