Monday, November 26, 2007

Does This Mean Men Want Their Dicks Sharpened?

Again via Feministing, one of the most awful products ever:

I think this is much worse than the infamous Axe mousepad, which while being puerile and nauseating at least implies the pleasuring of a woman*. But this...the screws in the hands and feet, the decapitation, the painful makes you wonder, what kind of person would think to make this? Whether or not you think this product is that bad, whether or not it reflects or influences cultural ideas about women, can you imagine waking up and saying, "I have a great idea! A headless naked woman being fucked by a pencil**!" What kind of sick mind dreams that up? Obviously, a violent and misogynist mind, but, to me, being this creative with violence and misogyny is pretty disturbing.

*And hearkens back to our discussion of whether Axe ads are degrading or just dumb! Yeah relevance!
**(And, I don't know, shitting out the shavings? Hard to tell.)

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