Monday, April 14, 2008


Quite some time ago, a friend asked me why I would care what our friends think of my sex life, and why it would bother me if they had problems with it. As I reported back at the time, I couldn't come up with a clear answer. For some crazy reason, buying a mini-scone at Starbucks just now, the answer came to me:

It's mean.

There's also stuff in there about losing respect for people who pass judgment in misogynist ways, et cetera, and not wanting to spend time with people who are that square, but come on guys--it's mean! And who wants their friends to be mean? Not me.

But yeah, also all that other stuff.


Katey said...

I'm confused on how being concerned about or having judgment of someone's sex life is mean. It's mean to try and make someone conform their sex life to your standards, but having opinions and keeping them to yourself? Doesn't seem terribly mean to me.

Liz T. said...

I was going to say that, inevitably, some people just aren't going to get it. But what say the rest of you?